Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You Can Breathe a Sigh of Relief Now

Definately a far cry from the last picture I posted outside my house.  IT'S MELTINGG!!!!!!!!! Go skate!

Well, we did go skate.  After a week's worth of shoveling and hard work, we've totally dried up OP.  Adam and Justin were itchin' to get some clipz.

No Snow at OP! from Ride4Ever/StudioSkate-Brian O. on Vimeo.

On a side note, Dreams and I always make it out to Hunter's shows. This one happened to be at the Booby Trap in Topeka on the foggiest night I've ever seen in my life. I was wasted and Kevin had to drive back through the fog. Here are some sweet phone pics.

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