Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Weather is a Tease.

Enjoyed Saturday's nice weather in Lawrence with Big Dreams, only for him to jump down the 8 and get herra sore herra fast.  Stopped in at White Chocolate and hollered at those fools too.

Sunday was a bit more cold, but still managed to get out with Schrock, Weston, and Clinton.

Oh yeah, who had those sweet OP lines? ;) I'll give you a hint-he may or may not run this blog.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You Can Breathe a Sigh of Relief Now

Definately a far cry from the last picture I posted outside my house.  IT'S MELTINGG!!!!!!!!! Go skate!

Well, we did go skate.  After a week's worth of shoveling and hard work, we've totally dried up OP.  Adam and Justin were itchin' to get some clipz.

No Snow at OP! from Ride4Ever/StudioSkate-Brian O. on Vimeo.

On a side note, Dreams and I always make it out to Hunter's shows. This one happened to be at the Booby Trap in Topeka on the foggiest night I've ever seen in my life. I was wasted and Kevin had to drive back through the fog. Here are some sweet phone pics.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

YOUnited Nations, KC Style

As most of you already may know, Wes Reeves and the crew made it into the top 17 finalists for the YOUnited Nations contest on The Berrics.

Help represent KC by voting a 10 for their montage when it gets posted within the next week or two!
Don't forget to vote a big 10 for TC and the Dankman when their shit gets posted!  

If you live under a rock and don't know how to get to the Berrics website, the link is on the list on the right side.

On a side note, I highly considered editing a YOUnited Nations montage, but then you all lurksters would see the new-new Studio footy... ;-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snow'd Up

Mandamn this snow has been frustrating.

All parking garages we used to skate during the winter are all major busts now, and of course, the indoor has dug itself a deeper hole and the opening date, or if it'll even open, is now unknown.

So what's a skateboarder to do??!?

We're 1/20th of the way there.  It's a work in progress.

Come and help out if you feel like you need some excersize!

And now a heat wave!  Let's do this, global warming.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Studio Mini Massacre

If anyone knows Joel and Weston, they know how capable they are of fucking a mini ramp up.  This montage on the Studio mini is no exception.  You can typically find Joel skating it every day while he's working in the shop.

Joel & Weston-Studio Mini from Ride4Ever/StudioSkate-Brian Ondr on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Enough is Enough..

If I wanted this much snow and this bitter, unforgiving cold, I would be living back in Milwaukee.  This is just ridiculous...

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Rang in the new year at El Torreon Friday night with some good old fashioned fucking metal.

For those of you that didn't know, Hunter Hallman (one of Topeka's finest), plays in a badass metal band, Sedlec Ossuary.  They frequent the Boobie Trap, and other bars alike, so if you can, check out one of their shows, and pick up some fuckin' badass merch too! Support!